How to beat the incumbent when yours is the minority party.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hi. Next Contestant has been paying a lot of attention to two Congressional races in Maryland. One is for the U.S. Senate, between incumbent Democrat Ben Cardin and Republican challenger Dan Bongino. The other is for the House, between Democrat Dutch Ruppersberger, the incumbent Congressman from the Second Congressional District, and his Republican challenger State Senator Nancy Jacobs. Maryland is a state where registered Democrats outnumber their Republican counterparts 2:1, more than 2.6:1 in the Second Congressional District. It’s a state where the people tend to vote their party affiliation.

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Hello? ..Anybody out there? What’s wrong with re-electing Ben Cardin or Dutch Ruppersberger?

Worried WomanTuesday, June 26, 2012

The other day, I challenged Marylanders, including, in particular, Maryland’s Second Congressional District, who are not in favor of re-electing Senator Ben Cardin and/or Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, to let me know why.* What’s wrong with these incumbents? Next Contestant has reasons they should be replaced, but what are yours?

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Breaking the Pattern. (Isn’t it about time?)

Monday, June 25, 2012

It’s gotten to the point that a dysfunctional Congress (the President included) has become our most important problem – more important even than the economy because, unless and until Congress becomes functional, it’s not going to deal effectively with any of the critical economic, fiscal and social issues we’re facing.

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Ben Cardin v Dan Bongino: An invitation to Maryland voters who don’t want to re-elect Senator Cardin.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A few minutes ago, I published an article inviting Maryland’s Second Congressional District voters who do not want to re-elect their incumbent Congressman to let Next Contestant know why. The same reasoning and invitation apply to the voters, statewide, who have problem with re-electing Senator Ben Cardin.

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Dutch Ruppersberger v. Nancy Jacobs: An invitation to Maryland’s Second District voters who don’t want to re-elect Congressman Ruppersberger.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Candidates love to show real people giving us reasons to vote for them. Dutch Ruppersberger, the incumbent Congressman from Maryland’s Second Congressional District, is no exception. (Go his campaign website,, and see the video in the lower right corner of the home page.)

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: All hat. No cattle.

…Including a challenge to Republican Dan Bongino.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today, as you can see from the header, is June 19. The date is important because websites change from time to time. The first position statement we’re going to discuss is taken, verbatim, from Senator Cardin’s Senate website, It’s the “Economy & Jobs” statement from the “Issues” tab of his U.S. Senate website. We’ll go through this text first, and then the “Economy” statement from the campaign’s website,

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Dutch Ruppersberger v. Nancy Jacobs: Earmarks and campaign contributions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A couple of days ago, Next Contestant published an article entitled, “Earmarks: Incumbent business as usual in Washington,” in which there is a table showing the number and value of the earmarks which were sponsored by Maryland’s representatives in the House and Senate.

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Earmarks: Incumbent business as usual in Washington.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We elect our Congressmen/women and Senators to represent us when they legislate in the national interest. Unfortunately, that’s not all they do. A good deal of their time, and a great deal of our money is spent devising “earmarks” to benefit us locally. Not incidentally, these dollars legislators get for local causes improve their prospects for re-election.

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