Hello? ..Anybody out there? What’s wrong with re-electing Ben Cardin or Dutch Ruppersberger?

Worried WomanTuesday, June 26, 2012

The other day, I challenged Marylanders, including, in particular, Maryland’s Second Congressional District, who are not in favor of re-electing Senator Ben Cardin and/or Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, to let me know why.* What’s wrong with these incumbents? Next Contestant has reasons they should be replaced, but what are yours?

It’s a simple enough question and yet, despite strong traffic at the Next Contestant from Maryland voters interested in the Cardin/Bongino and Ruppersberger/Jacobs races, not one of these voters.. not one has stepped up and left a comment to say why, why they don’t want to re-elect incumbent Senator Cardin or Congressman Ruppersberger.

Did you not leave a comment because you’re shy? Maybe because you don’t think there’s enough at stake to take the couple of minutes to leave a comment? Or, heaven forbid, could it be because you’re a Republican and can’t bring yourself to vote for a Democrat? (If you can’t cross a party line to vote for someone, why does it surprise and bother you that our representatives in Congress can’t work together?)

Whatever your reasons, however personal or academic, whatever the event or issue that was more than you could take, you need to put it on the table so that other voters, whether they be undecided or soft-supporters of Senator Cardin or Congressman Ruppersberger, can hear what you have to say and be influenced by it, or not. Com’on. It’s the least you can do for your family, for your District, for Maryland and your country.

All you have to do is leave a comment at the bottom of this article. If you’re bashful, just give your first name and the city where you live, like “Robert from Dundalk.” Tell us, in as few or as many words as you need, why re-electing Senator Cardin or Dutch Ruppersberger isn’t a good idea. Tell us why we can do better, and Next Contestant will help get the word out.

And if you can’t think of a good reason, than why are you supporting the other guy, Dan Bongino and Nancy Jacobs? Tell us why you don’t you want to re-elect Senator Ben Cardin or Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger?

…Now would be a good time.

-Next Contestant

*It was Monday, June 25, that I published these two matching articles:

Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: An invitation to Maryland voters who don’t want to re-elect Senator Ben Cardin.

Dutch Ruppersberger v. Nancy Jacobs: An invitation to Maryland’s Second District voters who don’t want to re-elect Dutch Ruppersberger.

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