Running For Baltimore City Council

Friday, February 5, 2016 edition…

As you can see if you click on the link below, we’ve prepared a table, a 2 page PDF that you can blow up and read online and print if you’d like a hard copy. It’s stocked full of information, but one thing’s immediately clear. Everybody in Baltimore is running for City Council. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it sure seems that way. The February 3 filing deadline having just passed, there are now 79 people running for the Democratic nomination for 14 seats on the Baltimore City Council.

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The Baltimore City Council: Process without substance.

In the last 4 years – 2012 through 2015 – the Baltimore City Council has enacted only 13 ordinances (municipal laws) with the word “job” or “jobs” in them. Not one of these bills was intended to nor could it possibly effect any material increase in employment or reduction in the unemployment and poverty that have plagued our city for decades. Not one.

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