Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: If our democracy were a business…

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Turns out, you don’t always get what you pay for.

Hi. A couple of weeks ago, I published a piece entitled, “Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: What exactly has Senator Cardin been doing all this time?” It talked about how ineffective, how inconsequential a legislator Senator Ben Cardin has been during his first term in the Senate.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: Next contestant.

April 27, 2012

First of all, and perhaps most importantly, this piece has nothing to do with politics per se. I’m a registered Independent with a history of voting for candidates of both party affiliations. What this column is about is how I’m deciding for whom I’ll vote in November.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: What difference does it make?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hi. Yesterday I posted an article (Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: “Next Contestant”) which generated surprisingly strong traffic. My point was that, while Ben Cardin (Democrat), the one-term incumbent U.S. Senator running for reelection in Maryland, was more or less competent, he had failed to make any significant difference toward resolving the major issues of our time.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: What exactly has Ben Cardin been doing all this time?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hi. This is my third in a series of posts I’ve been writing about Ben Cardin, one-term Democrat incumbent U.S. Senator from Maryland, who is running for reelection against Republican Dan Bongino, who has never held elective office. Links to the other two articles are at the bottom of this piece. Both candidates are good, honest, hardworking, competent people. That said, I’ve decided to vote for Mr. Bongino, the challenger, based on the failure of the incumbent, Mr. Cardin, to address the major problems we are facing with the focus, “all-in” enthusiasm, aggressiveness and effectiveness the timely resolution of these problems demands.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: How has Ben Cardin been financing his campaign?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I’m just a guy, a citizen with a notebook computer who works stupid hours and whose only real hobby is writing. (It’s easy, because I don’t have to get up from my desk and there’s no glue involved. I don’t like glue.) This is my fourth piece on the race between Maryland’s U.S. Senate incumbent, Democrat Ben Cardin, and his opponent, Republican Dan Bongino. If you’re interested, all three previous articles begin with the same “Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino” that you see in the title above.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: Ben’s Priority Legislation.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hi. In four previous articles, the ones with titles beginning with “Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino,” I’ve been making the point that Maryland’s incumbent U.S. Senator, Ben Cardin, who is running against political newcomer Dan Bongino, has failed to perform at a level that warrants his reelection. While Senator Cardin is a good, competent man, his long-term lack of productivity and failure to address our country’s highest priority problems are compelling reasons to vote him out, and Mr. Bongino in.

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: Rubber stamp.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

This is the sixth article I’ve written recently about the race between Maryland’s first-term U.S. Senator Ben Cardin who is running for reelection against Republic newcomer Dan Bongino. If you’re interested, all the articles in this series begin like this one, with “Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino.”

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Ben Cardin v. Dan Bongino: Senator Cardin’s Brain.

Monday, May 7, 2012

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve written six articles having to do with the race between the one-term U.S. Senator from Maryland, Democrat Ben Cardin, and his challenger, newcomer Republican Dan Bongino. Both candidates are good, smart, competent, reasonable men. All things equal, making a decision between the two of them would be a toss-up. But all things are anything but.

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