MGM Cigar Lounge Site and Floor Plans

For those of you following the application that the MGM National Harbor has made for an exemption from the Maryland Clean Indoor Air Act, here are a link to the full site plan – that is, to the interior location of the proposed MGM Retail Tobacco Store (the “Cigar Lounge”) – with two closeup screenshots…

MGM Retail Tobacco Store – Aug 16 2018 – Site Plan

First closeup from the site plan…

MGM National Harbor Smoking Lounge

Second closeup…

MGM National Harbor Smoking Lounge

And here is the floor plan for the cigar lounge…

The site plan is from the Prince George’s County Zoning Hearing Examiner’s file “SE 4807 ZHE Exhibit #17.”

If you haven’t already read them, here are links to our two previous articles about MGM’s request for an exemption…


Why shouldn’t we exempt MGM from the Clean Indoor Air Act?

For those of you who are attorneys or are otherwise interested in the technical details of the application, the following link will show you the June 7, 2018 letter of application from MGM’s attorneys…

Shipley & Horne Letter of Application – Jun 7 2018

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