Thanks to the exceptional work of the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance, we can now show you a map of Baltimore neighborhood unemployment rates. It’s at the bottom of this post. Neighborhoods with unemployment rates of 10% or higher qualify for our JOB$ Employer Funding Service.
The map is fully interactive. Just mouse-over or click on an area to see the name of the neighborhood and its average unemployment rate for the years 2010 through 2014. Blow it to fill your entire screen – and then you can move the map around and zoom in to make it much larger – large enough to see the street names.
If you’re an employer in need of $100,000 to $10 million to locate operations in the Baltimore neighborhoods that we call “Opportunity’s New Frontier,” you can learn more about our JOB$ program by reading these two articles…
JOB$ – The Employer Funding Service From Baltimore Rising
JOB$: Which neighborhoods qualify?
And here’s the map of neighborhood unemployment rates we promised…