Dear Next Contestant –
I read in an article that Steve Schuh is complaining that we’re paying too much for what some people call the “Rain Tax” – and yet he’s a Delegate and he voted for it. Twice.
I thought Tea Party Republicans are supposed to be against taxes. Any way, if he was so worried about our paying too much to protect the Bay from storm water runoff… If he’s so interested in attracting business to Anne Arundel County when it’s businesses – with their parking lots and large roofs – that are being hurt most by the Rain Tax… If he’s so concerned about our overpaying, why did he vote to impose the tax on only the 10 largest counties, including Baltimore City. What’s fair about that?
The Bay is a state resource from which we all benefit. Every county – all 24 – should be paying it’s fair share. Spreading the costs around is the right thing to do and would lower what our families and businesses have to pay. Mr. Schuh is a businessman. He should know that.