Councilman Julian Jones’ Town Meeting
Hi. If you’re reading this, chances are it’s because you were one of many hundreds of Baltimore County’s District 4 residents who visited our website to read articles in opposition to a Walmart Supercenter anchoring Kimco’s redevelopment of its Owings Mills Mall property – and then you stayed to sign our petition. Thank you for that.
Your initiatives – including telephone calls, emails and attendance at town meetings – encouraged your Councilman, Julian Jones, to introduce a bill which will protect established commerce and neighborhoods along Liberty and Reisterstown Roads. His decision to go forward with legislation to limit store size on the mall property demonstrates Councilman Jones’ commitment and determination as your representative on the Council. More importantly, his leadership together with your continued encouragement and support have forged a powerful partnership for the betterment of your greater community. Well done!
To see a copy of Bill 85-16, please read the article we’ve posted right here, at BaltimoreRising.org. It’s called “Jones For President?“
The bill was introduced on Monday, November 21, but will not be discussed until the next working session which is next Tuesday, November 29, and then voted upon at the next legislative session on December 5.
Please continue to show support for Councilman Jones by calling or emailing his office. Here’s how you can reach him…
Councilman Julian Jones
Council Office Telephone: 410-887-3389
District Office Telephone: 410-887-0784
Email Address: [email protected]
Most importantly, please do your best to attend either the Council’s next working session or legislative session – or both.
- The next working session – when the Council discusses Bill 85-16 – will be Tuesday, December 13, at 2 PM on the second floor of the Old Courthouse in Towson. The address is 400 Washington Ave., Towson, MD 21204. People there will point you in the direction of the meeting room. If you can attend, please get there early to make sure you get a seat.
- The next legislative session – when the Council votes on Bill 85-16 – will be on Monday, December 19, at 6 PM, also on the second floor of the Old Courthouse building in Towson, but in a much larger room with a capacity for about 200 people.
Attending these meetings is really important. You don’t have to say anything or bring and wave a sign. Nothing like that at all. The purpose of your being there is to show appreciation for Councilman Jones for having introduced his bill and to encourage the other Members of the Council to vote for its passage.
And yes, we’re going to invite local television news stations to attend both meetings.
So, please read “Jones For President?” on this website, call or email the Councilman and do what you can to attend either or both of the Council’s next working and legislative sessions. We’re almost home on this. Thank you for going the extra mile and for participating as a citizen-member of your local government.
If you have any questions or comments, you can leave a comment at the bottom of any of our posts. You can send us an email to [email protected] or give us a call. Our number is 443-963-9407. If you get voice mail, just leave a message and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.